The Pixi™ nasal mask is the first pediatric mask developed specifically for the treaent of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children aged two and older.Taking into account the bone structure, facial characteristics and skin sensitivity of children, the Pixi™ offers minimal facial pressure and incorporates a wide range of comfort and safety features that give you peace of mind while helping to provide a positive therapy experience for your child. Soft cushion minimizes pressure without compromising seal. Spring-flex lightweight tube accommodates movement during sleep. Quick-release latches make mask easy to remove during the night or in an emergency.
- Soft. The Pixi™'s thin silicone cushion is soft and comfortable to minimize pressure on soft faces without compromising seal or therapy effectiveness.
- Safe. An emergency latch allows for quick removal if necessary, and makes it easy to take off.
- Adjustable. Two tubing attachment locations accommodate different sleeping positions and a Spring-flex lightweight tube that stretches and bends easily, so it won’t get caught or drag as your child moves around during sleep.
- Clear line of sight. Not only can the child see clearly while wearing the mask, but caregivers are also reassured and comforted by being able to see their child’s eyes and more of their face.
- Gross dimensions: Mask fully assembled with elbow assembly – no headgear. 1.38“ (H) x 16.93“ (W) x 1.57“ (D) 35 mm (H) x 430 mm (W) x 40 mm (D)